Six sigma tools are applied as outlined in the various stages of the DMAIC process to help reduce variation and provide continuous approach to process improvement.


The Kano model was developed by Dr. Noriaki Kano, a Japanese engineer as a way to prioritize customer requirements. Not all customer requirements are of equal importance and the Kano Model allows a classification of these product or service attributes. Both the relative importance of service or product attributes and their correlation with customer satisfaction are evaluated in a Kano analysis.

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The DMAIC, Pronounced (Duh-May-Ick), is an acronym for five interconnected phases, Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control. This structured model is based on the Plan, Do, Check, Act cycle developed by Dr. W. Edwards Deming. Its sole objective is to eliminate costly variations from manufacturing and business processes. As the backbone of the Six Sigma methodology, DMAIC delivers sustained defect-free performance and highly competitive quality costs over the long run.

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A SIPOC is a high level process that defines the working relationship between various stakeholders and the alignment with key outputs. It allows the project team to identify all relevant elements of a process improvement project before the work begins. It helps define a complex project that may not be well scoped, and is typically employed at the Define/Measure phases  of the Six Sigma DMAIC (Define, Measure,Analyze, Improve, Control) methodology.

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A tool used by organizations to define their long-term goals with respect to quality and customers, and integrate them – on an equal basis – with financial, human resources, marketing, and research and development goals into a comprehensive business plan which is then deployed throughout the entire organization.

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Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is a generalized statistical technique used to analyze sample variances to obtain information on comparing multiple population means.
It is commonly used to study the effect of factors on response variable. The concept of ANOVA is employed in DOE technique for data analysis.

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Gauge R&R

Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility (GR&R) is one of the tools in
Measurement System Analysis (MSA) to assess precision errors. Precision is the
degree to which repeated measurements under the same conditions show the
same results.

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S-M-A-R-T is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable/Attainable/Assignable, Relevant/Realistic, and Time-Bound/Time Related. S and M are usually defined  as Specific and Measurable with the last three letters defined depending on the author or application.

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Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is an advanced form of process mapping showing the flow of both information and product/service. It used to distinguish value and non-value added activities in an existing process with the purpose of reducing or eliminating wastes.

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